"Do you not know that you are the temple of GOD, and that the Spirit of GOD dwells in you?" 1 Corinthians 3:16
There is currently an active lawsuit in Federal District Court in the state of Missouri regarding face covering and injection mandates by a corporation.
Prior to its filing, over 100 national, constitutional, special interest, and state attorneys were contacted. None would represent the case. Because of delays caused by the Missouri Commission on Human Rights process, the case was filed Pro Se on August 22, 2022. |
United States District Court
Eastern District of Missouri
Eastern Division
Date: TBD
Thomas Eagleton U.S. Courthouse
111 South 10th Street
Saint Louis, Missouri 63102
Courtroom: TBD
* Time: TBD *
* Jury *
* 2 Week Docket *
Eastern District of Missouri
Eastern Division
Date: TBD
Thomas Eagleton U.S. Courthouse
111 South 10th Street
Saint Louis, Missouri 63102
Courtroom: TBD
* Time: TBD *
* Jury *
* 2 Week Docket *
"The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of GOD." - John F. Kennedy
One Nation under GOD, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.
"It is self-evident that all persons have a certain, unalienable, SACRED right to their internal systems (respiratory and immune system) and conscience. This right is not bestowed by a court, a congress, or a corporation.
This right is certain.
This right is unalienable.
This right is SACRED.
Therefore, this right shall not be infringed; for it is endowed by GOD.
To be just and righteous, government and law must conform to the will and law of GOD."
"It is self-evident that all persons have a certain, unalienable, SACRED right to their internal systems (respiratory and immune system) and conscience. This right is not bestowed by a court, a congress, or a corporation.
This right is certain.
This right is unalienable.
This right is SACRED.
Therefore, this right shall not be infringed; for it is endowed by GOD.
To be just and righteous, government and law must conform to the will and law of GOD."